JUMP TOInfoSupported systemsSolar invertersBasic APICustomer managementCustomersList all customersgetCreate a customerpostRetrieve a customergetUpdate a customerpatchDelete a customerdeleteUpdate a customer's grouppatchConnectCreate a connect linkpostSend an email invite to connectpostConnect via customer keypostCustomer InfoList all locationsgetControlLists all control actionsgetSet a control action for a bidding zonepostDataRetrieve the rolling power forecastgetAdvanced APICustomer managementGroupsLists all groupsgetCreates a new grouppostRetrieves a groupgetUpdates a groupputDeletes a groupdeleteTransfers customers to another grouppostDataRetrieve measured power data for a locationgetList customer day reportsgetControlSet a control action for a grouppostSet a control action for a locationpostUpdate a location's control settingsputPowered by Delete a customerdelete https://api.amberflow.io/api/v1/customers/{customer_id}Deletes a customer in the database